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Call now 236-885-6719 or Schedule Free Consultation
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It isn’t about marrying rich, winning the lottery or stumbling across an abandoned suitcase full of money under a park bench either — although that would be nice.
Even more surprising? Even when working yourself to the bone in your career until the point of burnout, there is no guarantee that you’ll wind up successful. In fact, most people miss out on all the money, love, and success that’s available to them because they aren’t putting in the work where it actually matters in their careers.
True success starts from within.
Dreams become a reality when we believe we can, then start laying one brick a day… moving closer to your goals every day.
Feeling tired of doing the same job over and over again
Dreading Sundays because that means Monday is just around the corner again
Feeling underpaid and overworked (and wondering how to make more income)
Googling and YouTubing solutions but end up in analysis paralysis
Constantly applying for new jobs online but never hearing back
Penny pinching your way through life just so you can afford to go on a vacation once every few years
(Hello career role that pays $100,000-$200,000+)
I might make 6-figures today, but that certainly wasn’t the case for many years… my family as included. When I was young my family didn’t have much.
I’ll never forget my dad saying ‘we may need to claim bankruptcy’. I remember that line he said like it was yesterday. We struggled hard at times… barley getting by. Honestly, I know many families are in the same boat. Since that day forward, I made it a goal of mine to never struggle financially.
When I have a family of my own, I want to be able to provide for them. Put our kids into sports, buy good clothes and eat healthy food. We all deserve this.
Every dollar I’ve made in my career to date now has started by having more faith than fear, more drive than doubt, and more courage than concern. I didn’t know how much fire I had within me until I started coaching others and seeing them succeed from my methods. I’ve now helped hundreds of professionals land great paying career roles at companies they want to work for.
It’s a priceless journey, to say the least.
It might sound cliche but if I can do it, so can you!
A live, 4 month program to shift you out of scarcity and into abundance so you can take back control and land a career role that pays you $100,000-$200,000+
What’s so special about Career Success Now?
Most career coaches make you feel great for five minutes and do a OK job hyping you up, but Career Success Now goes deeeeeeeep. We don’t skim the surface with fluffy empowerment exercises and rah-rah “You can do it!” coaching calls. You know you can do it… but you’re not doing it. That’s the whole problem, right? We show you step by step what employers need to see based on 10+ years of seeing candidates NOT get hired for certain reasons.
Simply put, those reasons won’t happen to you. We’re giving you all the keys to the 6-figure salary castle. All you have to do is take them and run.
I’m telling you, 4 months together of going deep, you are going to be saying ‘I wish I did this earlier’
(like some of my past clients).
Hearing back from companies you ACTUALLY want to work for
Getting PAID what you are WORTH (hello new clothes, car or house?)
Having endless opportunities available from your ability to strategically network with confidence
Not telling yourself crappy things 24/7 and actually believing your success is inevitable
Consistently showing up for your family, making good $$ so you can put clean clothes on everyone's backs and healthy food tummys
The stories we tell ourselves shape the lives we live. They determine what actions we take, what goals we achieve, and what we allow ourselves to receive. It’s time to determine what stories you’ve been telling yourself without realizing it — and where they come from. Because you can’t move forward if you keep walking towards your past. We will cover topics such as mental toughness and how to set goals and manifest your career dreams.
Once we realign your mindset to one that thinks more like a CEO (vs. employee) we will get crystal clear what makes you an amazing candidate that employers not only want to hire, but pay mega $$ to. Honestly? This is the heart and soul of this program and arguably the most important part. I’ve seen many mid-senior and executive level candidates not clearly know their value and be able to communicate it to employers effectively, resulting in rejection time and time again. If you complete this right, your success is inevitable.
This is where craft deliverables that really catch the eye of the employer! Hint: it’s time to ditch the good ol’ black and white, stagnant resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile that simply makes you blend in with the crowd. It’s no secret the market is extremely competitive because there are so many bright and talented professionals out there. Including YOU! So, we need to put you ahead of everyone else. We need to position you as #1… simply because you are. PS this often means using other deliverables too such as a powerpoint, video etc. See you on the inside to find out more!
Ugh… job boards. Who else hates them? I bet YOU! Well, us too. It’s time to move beyond simply refreshing the job boards every single day in hopes that your dream career role is going to simply POOF… land in your lap. We don’t dream around here, boss, we make things happen. So, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and start strategically career hunting. Game plan – in progress.
We’ve been in some extremely cringe worthy interviews over the past 10 years… and this is an understatement. Sometimes we think we did sooo well in an interview, are so hopeful and then get the dreaded email saying ‘we’ve gone with someone else’. Sigh. In this module we will show you exactly what employers need to hear and see so you can stand out and actually be successful with your interviews! What if you even got a call back right after the interview saying ‘you’re hired!’ It’s possible, boss. Let’s get you there.
Now that you’ve made it this far and an employer has handed you an offer letter, the work isn’t over! In fact, it’s just the beginning of the exciting part. It’s now time to negotiate you thousands more $$, better benefits, a corner office, more time off, work from home days or more! You do know you deserve all these great things… right? So, we need to position you in a way that these asks are an easy yes. This is SO exciting.
Everything inside Career Success Now is as proven as it is powerful. Inside these 6 modules, you will have all the tools and techniques you need to up-level your career starting today!
You don’t learn through information, you learn through implementation. You will have a lot of ‘ah-ha’ moments (as all our clients do) when you take the time to complete the career changing activities.
You will have the amazing opportunity to meet others who are going through a similar journey as you and learn through them as well. Come as professionals, stay as family.
We truly want to see you succeed in the program so for a limited time, we are offering an extended amount of time and support!
We will send you tailored make LinkedIn profile and resume recommendations for you to ensure you really catch the eye of employers and recruiters. This is key!
These valuable coaching calls with Courtney will help you see your potential and skyrocket your career success. She is in your corner, excited for you and will ensure you get the support you need.
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