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Tips and Tricks to Landing Your Dream Job

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Look, we’ve all been there. Scrolling through #indeed, or #linkedin or #monster and seeing a job posting that catches your eye. You read all the posting details, research the company, and think to yourself, “that’s exactly what I want to do, I’m going to apply“. You dig through your computer, open the resume you’ve been using for years, tweak one or two words, then hit the ‘apply now’ button. Then days, weeks, and eventually months go by… nothing. You check your emails daily, have your phone on vibrate or loud, but ultimately no response. You think to yourself, ‘why is no one calling me? There must be something wrong with their websites, maybe they didn’t receive it‘. You start to become anxious. Your friends and family ask you how your job search is going, and you have nothing to tell them. No updates other than let them know that you are still searching.


Can you relate?


Well, here’s 3 #resumewritingtips and tricks we would like to highlight when it comes to getting your application noticed during the recruitment process.


1. Have professional and updated contact information listed Make sure all your contact information is up to date and professional. Is your email from 10 years ago, and look something like If it is, change that immediately. Why? Because everything on your resume ultimately represents you. By having an old email that was created decades ago, you are telling your future employer that professionalism isn’t something you take serious. Start with a format of or Also, make sure your phone number is accurate wherever you include it.


2. Be short, sweet and crystal clear


One of the biggest mistakes a candidate can make when it comes to the content on their resume is include information that is long winded, irrelevant, and simply unclear. Here is what we mean:


– use bullet points to list the relevant tasks you have done when it comes to the new role you are applying for (yes, that means leaving out tasks that do not pertain to the new job) – keep your sentences short, sweet and clear


– use spelling and grammar check, or have someone else proof read your final copy (this will save you from an embarrassing error)


– keep your resume to two pages maximum (we’re serious- no one has time to hash through 5+ pages)


– only highlight the last 3-4 relevant employment experiences


3. Choose a modern resume format


This part is quite important. In order to get noticed in this competitive market, it’s best to have a resume that is fresh, modern, and ultimately stands out as recruiters are scanning through applications. Traditional black and white blank resumes are a thing of the past. Take a chance and use a template that has color, a unique layout, or may even has pictures embedded in them. Depending on what you are applying for, feel free to be creative! Are you an engineer? Use a ‘ruler’ theme in your resume! Are you a painter? Showcase some of your work in the background! Again – you want to be noticed, and having a resume that is unique (but still professional) is very important.


Feel free to email us for your new resume that will help you land your dream career:
