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3 Ways You Can Land Higher Paying Role in The Next 30 Days:

Table of Contents

1. Position yourself as a “specialist”

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but I’ll say it again.

No one likes generalists…

Someone who markets their self as a “I can help you do anything”, and “I have lots of different skillsets you could benefit from”, ultimately attracts no one.

People want to know you have the exact experience + interpersonal + technical skills that will get them from A to B.

They want a specialist.

And it’s also no secret that there are billions of people on the planet.

It’s competitive.

So what makes you different?

Are you positioning yourself as someone who is clear, and EXACTLY what the employer needs?

If you don’t have a powerful brand (resume, cover-letter, LinkedIn profile) just yet, consider doing that here right now.

The job postings are gold mines when it comes to knowing exactly what employers are looking for.

However, less is more.

Only take the KEY aspects, no little, no more.

2. Connect with recruiters that specialize in your field:

Are you an:


Find a recruiting firm that specializes in placing accountants.

-HR professional?

Find a recruiting firm that specializes in placing human resources professionals.


Find a recruiting firm that specializes in placing executives.

and so on…

A simple Google search can often help you find the “right” recruitment firm for you.

Or… use LinkedIn to search for a specialized recruiter as well!

They need to make money by placing you, and you want to make a higher income.

So, it’s a win-win.

Make it happen today.

3. Create a list of 50 companies that employ people with your skillset.

Are you a software engineer?

Are you a HR professional?

Are you a marketing professional?

Are you a sales professional?

Create a list of 50 companies in your area that you KNOW employ people with your skillset.

Google, LinkedIn, magazines, articles… these are all good places to find this data.

Once you have that list, REACH OUT to some of the managers for those departments on LinkedIn or email via Hunter Email Finder here.

Most companies are subliminally “always” looking for good talent.

A VP I know recently said to me, “we are always willing to onboard top talent”.

THAT’S when you know a company is forward thinking and doing well too.

Find these companies.

Reach out.


Action steps:

  • Ensure you have a powerful, specialized brand (We can help you here)
  • Find 5 recruitment firms or recruiters that specialize in your skillset
  • Make a list of 50 companies that employ people like you 
